Friday 25 April 2014

i believe in fairies...

ooh it's been a bit quiet over here! so here's a little catch-up of what i've been up to!

i got a (very hard to photograph) peter pan tattoo :)

and turned twenty two!

i made just a few fabric boxes

along with a couple of foxes

i did the fine and dandy craft fair

and treated myself to some dotty boots, they're quite the pair!

i've had a little fabric play

and started the quilt red letter day

… watched this movie many, many times…

so much so that it's got me talking in rhymes!

rachael x

p.s oh and there is a giveaway over on my Facebook, why not go and take a look :)


  1. Wow, I don't know where to start... the fabric boxes, the boxes, the boots... You have been on a roll!

  2. Lots of crazy lovelies! And a cute giveaway too! Happy belated! Jxo

  3. I'm thinking I'm in love with your boots! Happy birthday

  4. Happy birthday! I like the dotty boots, and the Quentin Blake fabric boxes! oh my! Roald Dahl books were my favourites as a child.
